App updates

Learn more about our Shopify app's latest updates and improvements.

Easier integration with Shopify Order Status page

Easier integration with Shopify Order Status page

We've made the process of adding your invoice download link to the Shopify Order Status Page simpler and faster with Order Printer Pro. The Shopify Order Status page is the page which customers see...

Purchase Order Number support for Shopify B2B orders

Purchase Order Number support for Shopify B2B orders

Great news for our Shopify Plus users: We've just introduced a new feature in Order Printer Pro that allows you to include Purchase Order Numbers on all your invoices and other print documents for ...

Order Printer Pro Gets a Makeover: Faster, Better, and More Accessible

Order Printer Pro Gets a Makeover: Faster, Better, and More Accessible

We're excited to announce the latest update to our Shopify App, Order Printer Pro! This update brings a range of improvements designed to enhance the user experience and make the app even more effi...

Auto-publish PDF download links on your store's Order Status page

Auto-publish PDF download links on your store's Order Status page

We are excited to announce a new feature in our Shopify app, Order Printer Pro! You can now automatically publish PDF download links to your online stores "Order Status page", making it easier for ...

Order Printer Pro screenshot

QR Code support added to Order Printer Pro

The use of QR codes is a great way to enhance your Shopify invoices and receipts. These codes, which can be easily scanned using a smartphone camera, allow you to embed links in your documents, giv...

Improved default Shopify order printer templates

Improved default Shopify order printer templates

If you're using Order Printer Pro to customize your Shopify store's invoices, receipts, and packing slips, you'll be happy to hear that we've made some improvements to the default templates. One of...

Auto-translate your Order Printer Pro templates

Auto-translate your Order Printer Pro templates

Order Printer Pro is excited to announce our newest feature: automatic template creation in your store's primary language! This feature saves you time and effort by automatically creating templates...

Add downloadable PDF invoices to the Shopify Order invoice email

Add downloadable PDF invoices to the Shopify Order invoice email

Shopify merchants can now automatically include a PDF invoice in their Order invoice email using Order Printer Pro. This is particularly useful for merchants who offer Net-30 or Net-60 payment term...

Integration with Zapiet's Store Pickup + Delivery app

Integration with Zapiet's Store Pickup + Delivery app

Order Printer Pro and Zapiet have partnered to integrate their apps, providing Shopify users with even more time-saving features. The Store Pickup + Delivery app from Zapiet is designed for any ind...